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Dear Parents...

We know that seeing your daughters entering the adult world is a bittersweet feeling; our parents felt the same feeling as they moved us into the University of Illinois. Knowing this, the ladies of the Beta Alpha chapter of Alpha Phi make this commitment to you. In all that we do, we will strive to create and uphold the best environment for your daughters in Alpha Phi, providing the best experience possible. We vow to encourage academic excellence, to influence the growth of your daughters into exceptional adult women, and to become your daughters's home away from home. Lastly, we promise that we will keep a never-ending smile on your daughters' faces starting on the day she runs to Alpha Phi on bid day. 







We hope that we are able to meet all of you during Homecoming, Mom's Weekend, Dad's Weekend, and any other events we hold throughout the year! Not only are your daughters our family, but you all are as well! 

- The ladies of Alpha Phi, Beta Alpha Chapter

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